The versatile shower channel systems from Dallmer stand for excellence across the board, and create bathrooms without limits.
Floor drain systems
For the drainage of floors, bathrooms and level-access showers, Dallmer supplies attractive and innovative point drains –
as practical complete packages or as individually configurable solutions.
Shower traps and traps
State-of-the-art drainage technology Shower traps and siphons with maximum flexibility for every application.
Air-admittance valves
Advanced technology, compact design: As well as the technology,
it is also about how the air-admittance valves blend into the bathroom harmoniously, with paintable or chrome-plated covers, for instance.
Utility drains and anti-flooding valves
Underneath the backflow level, anti-flooding valves and utility drains with anti-flooding valves provide reliable drainage.
In other drainage points, e.g. in the cellar, we recommend utility drains without anti-flooding valves,
non-return valves or the PRONTO universal drain.
Roof and balcony drains
Technically sophisticated solutions for flat roof drainage and renovation, and for balcony drainage.
Unlimited options with Dallmer
Innovative sanitary technology which renders drainage in the home and on your property more reliable, valuable and convenient.